Research Review: Educational Technologies and Their Impact on Student Success for Racial and Ethnic Groups of Interest

WCET and the National Research Center for Distance Education and Technological Advancements (DETA) are excited to release a new joint report: “Research Review: Educational Technologies and Their Impact on Student Success for Racial and Ethnic Groups of Interest." an equity-focused research report that identifies key educational practices and technology that positively influence student success.

Some key findings within the report include:


  • Traditionally underrepresented students need interventions to ready them for online learning. These students have lower perceptions of their organization, self-directedness, and online work productivity skills than their counterparts.

  • Students desire more culturally inclusive material and curriculum that provide opportunities to express their identity.

  • Equitable student success calls for a commitment from instructors to consider blended course modes and new course designs.

  • Students benefit from collaboration among peers from different cultures.


The report notes that educational technology is a solution that should be carefully and intentionally considered as it could exacerbate the existing inequities or create new inequities. Research-based interventions and practices need to be identified, verified, and scaled across programs, institutions, and the nation with evidence that they specifically serve these groups of students.

Read more.


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